
Showing all 6 results
Health and Wellness | April 2, 2024

Black Women’s Maternal Health: Why It Matters

Pregnancy-related deaths have increased in recent years and Black women continue to be hit the hardest. Learn what's being done.
Health and Wellness | July 8, 2021

7 Ways to Help Overcome Your Child’s Fear of Shots

Vaccination shots can be scary for your child but they help prevent many illnesses. Follow these tips to make the experience easier.
Health and Wellness | March 8, 2024

Coping With San Diego’s Year-Round Allergy Season

Is it an allergy or a cold?
A Scripps allergist explains conditions that produce San Diego's never-ending allergy season and offers tips to keep symptoms under control.
Health and Wellness | April 9, 2024

Play It Safe: Sexually Transmitted Diseases Are on the Rise

Sexually transmitted infections continue to rise. Learn the symptoms, risk factors and treatments for gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis.
Health and Wellness | March 15, 2024

What are the Most Common Heart Medications?

Patient takes medications to help manage heart condition.
A guide to medications for people who've had heart attacks or are at risk of heart problems. Learn how they work and who may need them.
Health and Wellness | March 5, 2024

Is Your Ankle Sprained, Strained or Fractured?

Man sits on sidewalk after turning his ankle running. Could it be a sprain or a strain or a fracture?
There are different types of ankle injuries: sprains, strains and fractures. Learn the differences in the event you ever need treatment.