Scripps Neurosurgeon Discusses Innovative Minimally Invasive Stroke Treatments

On May 6, NBC 7/39 interviewed Scripps Clinic neurosurgeon Rene Sanchez-Mejia, MD, and a patient he successfully treated for an aneurysm using a minimally invasive technique called endovascular coiling. The patient is one of only a handful of people in the world to have undergone both open brain surgery and endovascular (minimally invasive) treatment, following the discovery of two aneurysms roughly three years apart.

She spoke about the remarkable differences between the two procedures, including a dramatically shortened recovery period following the aneurysm coiling. As May is national stroke awareness month, Dr. Sanchez also discussed stroke risk factors and warning signs in addition to prevention and treatment.

The video interview is not available at this time.

Media Contact: Tania Masherah
Phone: 858-652-5521

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