The Savvy Patient - Type of Headache Determines Treatment
Pain can be caused by tension or migraine, or an underlying condition
In this week’s installment of The San Diego Union-Tribune’s “Savvy Patient” column, Scripps Health provides insight on headache types and treatments.
Almost everyone has experienced a headache, but many don’t understand there are many different types, symptoms and levels of severity. Distinguishing the different kinds of headaches is a critical first step toward receiving the appropriate treatment – and in some instances, avoiding larger medical problems.
The types of headaches that occur include: Primary, cluster, migraine, tension or secondary.
Regardless of headache type, always consult a physician if a headache seems unusual or does not respond to treatment.
Read the full article for more: Type of headache determines treatment
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- Steve Carpowich
- 858-312-0328
- Follow me: @Carpowich