How Scripps Health Has Stayed Layoff-Free

“The Front-Line Leader” book by Chris Van Gorder, CEO of Scripps Health in San Diego, California, is now available.  Notable book reviews were received on Chris’ philosophy of putting people first, his management tips,  and how he successfully implemented what he learned to build strong relationships and a strong organization.  Called the “Best New Leadership Book for 2014” by Eric Jacobson. CEO Chris Van Gorder now has a blog at:

Scripps President and CEO Chris Van Gorder talked to Becker’s Hospital Review recently about Scripps “no-layoffs” philosophy. Scripps believes in taking care of those who care for our patients and has avoided lay offs by cutting costs elsewhere. Over the past few years, Scripps has saved more than $200 million by eliminating variation that didn’t improve patient care. A win-win for our employees and our patients.

Read the full Becker’s article at: How Scripps Health Has Stayed Layoff-Free

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Janice Collins