Media Coverage of Scripps Heart Patient Riding Across U.S.

World-class athlete Philippe May gets second chance at race after Scripps care


Swiss cyclist and World Cup champion speed skier Philippe May has returned to San Diego a year after he was forced to pull out of the Race Across America when Scripps Health cardiologist John Rogers, MD, discovered he had a potentially deadly arrhythmia.

May told his story to a number of media outlets while he was in town preparing for the start of the cross-country cycling competition.

The NBC 7 interview: Scripps Treats Swiss Speed Skier for Genetic Condition, is not available at this time.

The San Diego 6 report: World’s Toughest Bicycle Race Kicks Off in Oceanside, is not available at this time.

Read the Union-Tribune report: Skier’s heart is in Race Across America

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Keith Darce

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