Media Outlets Cover Wellderly Study Report Published in Cell
STSI researchers report link between cognitive genes and healthy aging

A number of media outlets covered the publication by the journal Cell of results from the Wellderly Study, an eight-year-long research project looking into the genetic secrets of healthy aging by the Scripps Translational Science Institute.
Read the BuzzFeed article: A Long Life Is Genetically Different From a Healthy One
Read the Huffington Post column: Let’s All Aim to Be Wellderly
Read the Daily Mail article: What is the Secret to the Queen’s Long Life? Study Finds the ‘Cocktail’ of Genes That Protect People From Disease as They Age
Read the Nature article: Genetic Secrets of the Healthy Elderly Unveiled
Read the Time article: These Are the Genes Behind Healthy Aging
Read the KPBS report: San Diego Study: Healthy Aging May Not Require Winning the Genetic Lottery
Read the San Diego Union-Tribune article: Good Cognition, Healthy Body Linked in ‘Wellderly,’ Study Finds
Read the International Business Times article: Researchers Fail to Find Silver Bullet for Healthy Aging
Read the CBS News article: Scientists Search For the Genes Behind Healthy Aging
Read the Express article: Elixir of Life? Set of Genese ‘Helps People Live to Ripe Old Age’ Identified by Scientists
Read the GenomeWeb article: First Wellderly Findings Highlight Protective, Cognitive Variants
Read coverage in Politico’s Pulse report: Meet the ‘Wellderly’
Read the HealthDay article: Do Genes That Protect Against Dementia Guard Against Chronic Disease?
Read the Medical News Today article: What is the Key to Healthy Aging? New Gene Study Sheds Light
Read the MIT Technology Review article: Is There a Fountain of Youth in Our DNA?
Times of San Diego: ‘Wellderly’ Study Finds Cognitive Health Key to Longevity
Read the Corriere Della Sera (in Italian): Ecco il DNA Degli Anziani Super-Sani Che Protegge da Alzheimer e Malattie
Media Contact
- Keith Darce
- 858-678-7121
- Follow me: @KeithDarce