Scripps Precision Medicine Experts Interviewed by Media Outlets

$120 million NIH grant gives Scripps Translational Science Institute major role in national study

Scrupps physician Steven Steinhubl, MD.

$120 million NIH grant gives Scripps Translational Science Institute major role in national study

Scripps Translational Science Institute Director Eric Topol, MD, and Digital Medicine Director Steven Steinhubl, MD, recently discussed the $120 million grant awarded to the La Jolla research center as part of the national Precision Medicine Initiative during interviews with STAT News, KUSI TV and KPBS FM.

The project will use wireless sensors, apps and genetic testing to track the health of at least one million Americans for decades to come with the goal of discovering new and important facts about the diagnosis and treatment of many kinds of diseases.

Read the STAT News article: How ‘Digitizing You and Me’ Could Revolutionize Medicine. At Least in Theory

Listen to the KPBS interview: Scripps Wants to Personalize Health Care With $120M Grant

The KUSI interview, "Scripps Translational Science Institute Receives Grant," is not available at this time.

Media Contact

Keith Darce