Scripps Health CEO Shares Insights on Presidential Election with News Media

Chris Van Gorder weighs in on health care and other topics

A photo of Scripps CEO, Chris Van Gorder, who discussed presidential results with the media.

Chris Van Gorder weighs in on health care and other topics

In the days following Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election, news media outlets sought out perspectives from Chris Van Gorder, Scripps Health president and CEO. Van Gorder offered insights on a variety of topics, such as the future of the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid and labor relations.

View the Becker's Hospital Review story: 7 projections from Scripps' Chris Van Gorder following Donald Trump's victory

See the San Diego Union-Tribune article: What will a Trump Economy Look Like?

Read the San Diego Union-Tribune coverage:Obamacare enrollment push continues despite clouds on horizon

Van Gorder also commented about the election on his blog "Front-Line Leader." Read the post: After the Election, What's Next for Health Care

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Steve Carpowich

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