Union-Tribune Profiles Scripps Mercy Hospital Staff Amid COVID Surge

Physician, nurses share their experiences on front lines

Registered nurse Lindsay Little checks on an emergency room patient in a hallway recently at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego.

Registered nurse Lindsay Little checks on an emergency room patient in a hallway recently at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego.  

Physician, nurses share their experiences on front lines

The San Diego Union-Tribune recently interviewed health care workers providing care to COVID patients during the Omicron surge. The article and accompanying video chronicled the experiences of three staff members at Scripps Mercy Hospital San Diego: emergency medicine physician Clayton Whiting, MD; ICU nurse Carol Diggs; and registered nurse Jay Devera. Each shared personal stories of pressure, fatigue and resilience.

See the San Diego Union-Tribune article and video: Weary, but still showing up, front-line medical workers pray for patience

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Steve Carpowich

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