Husband, Wife Get Same Heart Implant Together

Heartwarming KUSI interview features Scripps cardiologist Douglas Gibson

Gibson McNamaras. KUSI San Diego.

Heartwarming KUSI interview features Scripps cardiologist Douglas Gibson

Scripps patients Joyce and John McNamara have been married for 56 years, they go to each others doctor’s appointments, and recently they were both implanted with the same type of heart device at the same time to treat atrial fibrillation, the most common form of irregular heart beat.

The couple told their story along with their doctor, Scripps Clinic cardiologist Douglas Gibson, MD, on the Valentine’s Day edition of the KUSI TV weekend news magazine “San Diego People.” The story also coincided with national Heart Month, which is marked every year in February.

In other segments of the program, Dr. Gibson discussed the future of heart care and the factors that drive heart disease in the United States.

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Keith Darce