News Outlets Cover Free Scripps Skin Checkups for Local First Responders

San Diego lifeguards, police officers and firefighters receive skin screenings

Physician Hubert Greenway, MD, Scripps Clinic.

San Diego lifeguards, police officers and firefighters receive skin screenings

Local news outlets covered a free skin cancer screening event hosted by Scripps Health for San Diego lifeguards, firefighters and police officers. Scripps has hosted the screenings every summer for the past 15 years as a way of helping to keep first responders safe from sun-related skin damage.

The events are part of Scripps’ community benefit program, which includes a variety of programs to improve community health, including cardiac screenings, diabetes education, cancer support groups, skin screenings and many more.

Watch the Fox 5 coverage: Free Skin Cancer Screenings Offered to First Responders.

Hear the KPBS coverage: Scripps Offers Free Skin Screenings to First Responders.

View the CBS 8 coverage: Skin Cancer Screenings for First Responders.

View the NBC San Diego coverage: First Responders Receive Free Skin Screenings.

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Steve Carpowich