
Anticoagulation Clinic at Scripps Clinic

Anticoagulation Clinic at Scripps Clinic

The anticoagulation clinic is available to people under the care of a Scripps Clinic doctor. It helps to monitor patients who are prescribed medications such as warfarin and low molecular weight heparin.

Pharmacists manage the anticoagulation clinic. They collaborate with physicians and communicate with patients to prevent adverse drug events.

What are anticoagulants?

Anticoagulants are used to treat and prevent blood clots in patients who have mechanical heart valves or conditions such as atrial fibrillation, deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism. Serious bleeding complications can occur while taking anticoagulant medication. Careful monitoring is necessary in order to provide safe and effective treatment.

Benefits of anticoagulation services at Scripps

The anticoagulation clinic strives to optimize patient care by:

  • Closely monitoring INR (international normalized ratio) blood test results
  • Adjusting medication dosage
  • Providing education about anticoagulant usage
  • Monitoring for potential drug/diet interactions

Anticoagulation clinic locations

Patients who take warfarin must have blood tests regularly to prevent bleeding and clotting complications.