Investigational Drug for Adults with Advanced Solid Tumors

Trial ID:
Michael P. Kosty, M.D.
The primary purpose of this clinical research study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of investigational drug, BBP-398. BBP-398 is an oral medication that may stop certain proteins on tumor cells which may help to stop tumor cells from growing.

Eligible patients will be randomly assigned to take BBP-398 350mg or 450mg by mouth daily. You will know which BBP-398 dose level you have been assigned to.

Inclusion Criteria

*Have a diagnosis of advanced solid tumor with documented MAPK-pathway alteration (KRAS, BRAF Class II/Class III, or NF1 LOF) or diagnosis of Chordoma Cancer.

*Have measureable disease confirmed by Computerized Tomograpy scan (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).

*Be capable of independently managing all self-care and be ambulatory and up and about at least 50% of each day (normal waking hours).

*Be able to swallow oral medication (capsules) without chewing, crushing, or opening.

*Be willing to record daily intake of study drug on a paper diary.

Contact Info:

  • Clinical Research Services