
Showing 11-20 results of 132 total
Health and Wellness | September 20, 2023

How to Calm a Fussy Baby: Learn What Works

A fussy baby is about to cry, feeling uncomfortable.
Babies communicate by crying. They could be hungry or tired. Maybe they just need to be soothed. Learn proven techniques that work.
Health and Wellness | September 8, 2023

Teen Depression on the Rise: What to Look For

A mother comforts her teenager daughter who has depression.
Teen depression is on the rise. Family is often the first line of defense recognizing the signs. Learn what to look for and do.
Health and Wellness | August 2, 2023

5 Reasons to Vaccinate Your Child

Vaccines are safe and effective. Childhood vaccinations protect children from serious diseases that were once prevalent in the U.S.
Health and Wellness | July 7, 2023

How to Prepare Your Child for a New Sibling

Prepare older siblings  for a new baby.
Expecting a new baby? Not sure how to share the news with your other children? Afraid they might get jealous? Follow our tips for a smooth transition.
Health and Wellness | June 22, 2023

When Is It Safe to Travel with a Newborn?

Doctors recommend waiting until a baby is 3 months old before taking them a long-distance trip by car or plane. Follow our safety tips.
Health and Wellness | June 16, 2023

8 Tips to Help New Dads Bond with Baby

A Scripps pediatrician offers tips to help new dads bond with their baby.
Health and Wellness | June 15, 2023

How Does Burnout Affect Your Health?

Burnout is a common issue, even with remote working. Signs include reduced performance and feeling exhausted. Learn ways to prevent burnout.
Health and Wellness | June 9, 2023

How Does Happiness Affect Your Health?

Happiness is good for your health. Practice gratitude, mindfulness, focus on the positive, manage your desires, take care of yourself.
Health and Wellness | April 21, 2023

Taking Care of Yourself After Having a Baby

Postpartum health is important for new moms. Follow our tips on how to take care of yourself after giving birth.
Health and Wellness | February 27, 2023

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats: What Can I Do?

Women who experience menopausal hot flashes and symptoms can manage this condition with lifestyle changes and if necessary medications.